At a Glance...

Bihrle Applied Research Inc (BAR) is a world-class aerospace technology company specializing in wind tunnel testing and simulation of aircraft. Since 1973, BAR has provided the military and civil aerospace industry with expertise in the area of flight dynamics modeling and analysis, compiling a resume of over 150 aircraft configurations. Leveraging a unique range of capabilities and resources, BAR has played a key role in all aspects of flight model development efforts, from the collection and analysis of source data, through the development of complex math models, to the validation and final acceptance of advanced trainers.

General Capabilities...

Flight Simulation Services BAR specializes in the development of software math models for a vast array of military and civil aircraft, including full-envelope, upset recovery, and failure/malfunction modeling.
Wind Tunnel Testing BAR’s testing services enable the acquisition of static, dynamic, pressure and powered-effects data. BAR accommodates a wide range of configurations using company-owned and partner facilities.
Computational Fluid Dynamics The BAR CFD team has over 20 years of experience in using CFD to predict aerodynamics analyses including stability and control, performance effects, and wake interactions.
Software Solutions BAR offers a variety of advanced PC-based software tools to support flight simulation development and deployment as well as UAS flight planning.

Domestic Customers & Partners

International Customers & Partners

Upcoming Events...

Visit us at Booth #508!

April 30th – May 2nd, 2024

The World Aviation Training Summit (WATS) is the world’s largest gathering of aviation training professionals, serving airlines, aircraft manufacturers, regulators, training providers and the training industry, designed by and for aviation professionals.

Bihrle will be showcasing its full suite of Aircraft Lifecycle Solutions

From concept and design through maintenance and updates, Bihrle brings cutting edge technologies and world class expertise in support of the Full Aircraft Development Lifecycle.